Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Toilet Paper Transmit Herpes

What's gonna happen tomorrow?

We Try Not to show how frightened we are. If you let me I'll Protect You pero I can. You've got to believe ... Was this

open and now want to write something came to my mind is ... what about people? One day you are greeted with great gusto and to have talks with you and the other does not greet you. Yes, we all have our days but one, not two or three. The worst is when you know you have to do something with that person and do not even know if he will be embarrassed or you going to be uncomfortable to approach you and tell you "what happened!". Not that I just happened ... well, yes, not that I care much, but I wave out to be so.

and I know I have fed up with it but hey, when I see the calendar with the days that we still feel pretty good. The calendar is written in every day what we do, then I see so few things missing that gives me anything but (I know that being in Mexico I'm going to regret it) and I be there!

I had been "forgotten" that had to go to Boedo, the most boring place in the world, the worst is that he would go alone and that gives me more lazy, not to go today tomorrow I'll have to wake up early and go I need to buy some things that are necessary. Tomorrow I want to be awake most of the day for the whole day is anxious and desperate to be the 9 pm and going to y. .. at 10:30 ... Deathly Hallows!

Well, having a good Tuesday and Wednesday have a great seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ! Until another blog!


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