Thursday, September 30, 2010

Animal Sayings Brown Cow

OPEN PODIUM - Tuesday, October 5, 10:00 p.m. - BEGINS SEASON 10/11

OPEN PODIUM, Micro open!

TUESDAY October 5, 1922 H
C / San Leonardo 40. Almería Flags of

Flags are back!

If you have the urge to publish your poems or stories and no one has discovered you yet, do not hesitate ... This is the time! A friendly audience, expectant and no vegetables to throw, I expected this coming Tuesday October 5 in Zaguán Pub to hear your words, this may be your time! Come and you will also recite opportunity to hear from other writers, great poets to discover, new values, people with concerns ... all around a microphone to say what goes without saying. Do not miss it!

And if you are cowards and do not dare to go onstage, but I like to write, you will always be the VIII POETRY CONTEST FLAGS A INSTANT . A contest where you can write a poem on one page stamped on a subject to be appointed at the beginning of the night. After the recital of the Open Podium, be read all the pages and a jury will select the best poem. The winner will get a lot of flags and the possibility of being the protagonist of an upcoming Flags of Zaguán.


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