Thursday, September 30, 2010

Animal Sayings Brown Cow

OPEN PODIUM - Tuesday, October 5, 10:00 p.m. - BEGINS SEASON 10/11

OPEN PODIUM, Micro open!

TUESDAY October 5, 1922 H
C / San Leonardo 40. Almería Flags of

Flags are back!

If you have the urge to publish your poems or stories and no one has discovered you yet, do not hesitate ... This is the time! A friendly audience, expectant and no vegetables to throw, I expected this coming Tuesday October 5 in Zaguán Pub to hear your words, this may be your time! Come and you will also recite opportunity to hear from other writers, great poets to discover, new values, people with concerns ... all around a microphone to say what goes without saying. Do not miss it!

And if you are cowards and do not dare to go onstage, but I like to write, you will always be the VIII POETRY CONTEST FLAGS A INSTANT . A contest where you can write a poem on one page stamped on a subject to be appointed at the beginning of the night. After the recital of the Open Podium, be read all the pages and a jury will select the best poem. The winner will get a lot of flags and the possibility of being the protagonist of an upcoming Flags of Zaguán.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Movies Playing In Ottawa

La bocca del Diavolo

After a long time I went to La Boca, it was like the places that called me more attention, we felt that if it was like not having come to Buenos Aires is a place with old houses, tin and / or wood painted in many different colors, is stuck in Tango tourists.

Milanese My breakfast was a Neapolitan, with ham and cheese on top. It is one of the most wealthy (and typical) that you can eat in Buenos Aires.

Although the mouth is not very big, it took us a long time and we got into all the shops (as if we were tourists). I finally found what I'm going to take home to some also found things a good price, thought to be as tourism would be more expensive but no, things were cheaper than elsewhere.

whole route for the part of "Caminito" was quiet, many people. We did get to know the stadium of Boca Juniors. It was not far away but as people were no longer (and as we were told that this area was not very safe) so as to preferably go to the stadium and see and return, do not be lying around for long.

The return home was lazy, I feel tired and sleepy, too hungry and that Milan was the giant. If someday you come to Buenos Aires must visit La Boca, it will take away a long time and is a nice part of town (if you go beyond the tourist).

I have not counted! Do you remember twenty thousand trips was going to do? Why, do you think? just as I do two. Ushuaia and Uruguay. Ushuaia and Brazil was supposed to ... I came to Argentina to go to the end of the world and see glaciers, penguins and seals. When do you travel? It seems that very soon but best when you tell them tickets because I was able to travel back room. Above is something I have time because the trip is for October 21 though ... Mexican is bankrupt. Had already told them I did not know what the return but if we say "sorry, will be returning the 21", at least I went to Ushuaia. I am poor

, memories that I will carry will be an embarrassment and not believe that I bring to my many things, whether the story is only five, of which I have not bought more than one and it cost me ten dollars. That come from a "tourist" for three months just not appropriate.

"I told them that the beer is cheap here? Fifteen pesos a liter (Quilmes). "And I told them to eat pasta every day is not the solution for poor stay in Buenos Aires? In Mexican pesos a bag would be like twelve dollars and enough for three people to eat and dine (and jam).

And I found my street, well, actually yes there is a street "Carlos Calvo" I have not yet searched. This not searched but found it wanting. I have little

to tell ... Oh! Yes, I am a fan of Milka and chocolate alfajores SanCor .

To finish and get on with the celebration IVY ~ ~ I leave アイビー 勝利 の 女 ネ 申 ☆ ! (Shouri no Megami ☆).

かる ろ す GO! GO! Until another blog!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Estimate The Pressure Exerted On The Floor By

You were the best I had...

And every time I'm closer to age 20, and no longer gives me something, I say, is normal, but since I do not know, say 20 is unusual ... may say: "you've got 20 years! you have more responsibilities !"... Verdae although I do not think.

All in Buenos Aires has been normal, yet I have not heard of the ticket or what will happen to my return, how bad is that for that reason I can not trust that my return will be in December. As you already know that urges me to feel calm ... and happy!

Yesterday I thought about what will happen to me when I return to Buenos Aires, I began to worry about everything, school, work, home ... everything! even better after I said, "why? for now enjoy your undeserved vacation, returning to Mexico you worry about that." News flash, I decided to return itself.

And I found my first account, better not come because they will see that the third most listened to artist is going to make others feel sorry. profile compare that with the new and yes it is a big change (though not count on Momoi). By the way, look! e IVYzado stoy.

Speaking of other things, and saw the trailer for Deathly Hallows ? do you think? I used to say "I do not want to die without having seen all the Harry Potter ... seems that my dream will be fulfilled. I feel not knowing that is the last, though "Harry Potter" is no longer the same for me, I think the trailer moved me more than I expected

The other day I found a page ( Spinner ) where they give away downloads of songs. They know what best part? the songs are very good, I already got a lot there, and as I really liked. If you do not agree with illegal downloading, do not worry, here are legal.

The song "☆ 自 演 乙 ☆ ソング 2 ~ 世界 编 ~" reminds me of someone, and do not like. I mean, is the song of Otsu Jien; is not or it says, but reminds me of someone x) As several of my friends have a song that I remember them.

By the way, here is a video so enjoy it, hope you like Ivy ~ アイビー

~ Live Well, nothing more to say and then being left with that video, I say goodbye. Until another blog!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Where Did The Itchy Nose Myth Come From?

The future is here but... where I am?

accidentally Yesterday I got to see pictures from my cell, I did not used to take many photos, all remind me of something, I have all the pictures of a year! one of the best years I had, at least where I learned many things. Every picture reminds me to those that are repeated. That's why all the photos in this post will be some of those.

Speaking of other things, it seems that it will not be back in November but in December, although I've been thinking about the stay in Buenos Aires and study here ... I mean ... I'm here, I get used to everything, no cost to me work, just adapt to school life but hey, that too will happen in Mexico. Anyway, if I return (which is most likely), I would be back by early December ... like I'm enjoying a lot of Buenos Aires.

"Wingardium Leviosa"

As if it were recorded in many pages (check out the links on the left bar), today I registered in another Dailybooth. With the photogenic I am, this thing will be successful. Here is the link y. .. I think it takes one to know I will stay with 1 follower, which by the way I am.

already saw that in Facebook and there are chains? those of "shoot this arrow ----> Diez ♥ hearts that you care... IRS returns 5 tiienes you ♥ great" ... Soon we will have those on Twitter, Tumblr ... Facebook was going to say but these are chains of "If you stick it on 10 videos you will die."

Speaking of "chains" is a story came to mind, but make fun of me tell you. One day my mom went away and we left my brother and I at home, then, we see that beneath the door had gotten a paper saying something like "If you do not send this form to 20 (or 10, can not remember) people, you'll to die, but if you send it, you'll do very well, "apart from that I told you some stories. I think that was too much for the mind of two children. It was about 9pm so, and my brother and I went to make copies and leave the leaves. Never spent what we promised the sheet. Realize? chains did not exist on the Internet ... I wonder who will be idle thought of doing that.

saw this video today and I did remember my beautiful language classes, specifically when we were taught to pronounce British English, the sad thing is I did not learn well. Makes me want to go back to school a few months of English, not so much to learn but because I spent really well.

Indeed, in the photo above comes my English school. I think by now I was the inspiration, then I'll tell you more about Buenos Aires, because I think I've hardly said anything. Er ... I just asked someone for Facebook to who I am, I answer ... Who are you?! you've added me!. Although they know? I think it's the second time that this girl does that. Oh, yes, I'm sure you did. Well, are well. Until another blog!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gay Glory Wholes In Orlando

¡Viva México!


So the obelisk was illuminated with the bicentennial logo.

I think I enjoyed celebrate Mexico being away from him, like I felt really happy to be a good Mexican, I think all those who said "there is nothing to celebrate" are wrong, do not think the celebration is for hold the president, or the deputies, I think it's to celebrate the people, all we have, the Mexicans, your friends, your family, people who deserve to be celebrated, the people that it does something for Mexico. Of the rest have to forget even one day, because as some people never think about it but as is the day to "celebrate Mexico" will enter the revolutionaries.

I'm not holding these things, but as being in addition you feel more Mexican and good, I have ever spend the day here was good to feel proud of being Mexican (although it sounds ridiculous).

Yes, yes, we have many bad things but ... remember what about today? Now

me cry! Viva Mexico! ...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Brent Corrigan Showers

Well, who ordered pizza?

. .. I Could sure go for a slice!

How are you? All for here has been very good, but I think it will change the name to Buenos Aires for good nights. Until recently regained my happiness for this trip and I had a crisis that luckily passed, and I found solution and is no longer haunt my head.

I had told my staple food is pizza? Here are not as expensive and a breakfast, lunch and supper. The soda is not important, it costs $ 1.80 arg me ... something like $ 5.50 in Mexico, and is 2.25lts, that lasts me about two days, not spending much soda.

Yesterday I was looking at the calendar and realized that I still have good days in Buenos Aires, so I'll make an itinerary all I want to do to build on that and do things because if not, never do anything.

If I told them that I'm Tango classes? I'll be able to get to teach something, or I know how I can make money, I'll go dancing in the street and put a hat and see who throws money. They say that people do win money.

Well, that the itinerary and accommodate my walking is something that keeps me spinning head is more, I'll start today.

Another thing that is in my head is my birthday, not because I want my party and my gifts but because they have let 10 goals to have 20! There is no a 1 before, now is a 2. I do not remember how it was my party of ten years in fact I do not know if I party, but that's not what matters, it matters that it will be in his twenties, I do not like much, but anyway, that regardless of age.

Speaking of gifts, what will I give? Since I knew that was the "gift table" (such as those of Liverpool) I felt like doing one at CDJapan or YesAsia, but no, that they "give me some of that" I do not think that what you give away want and if you do not want to give anything because either way. Oh! This is my "gift table" for me, yes, it is assumed that I'm giving it. I mean ... not all do 20.

How I will celebrate? I do not know, never my birthday celebration, or not something big, in fact I do not remember if I go out to dinner and a movie is gain. Hey! I did not remember that ever since I have 16 blogs write about my birthday!

That which is above is a 360 ° view of the Plaza de Mayo, you can see the Casa Rosada and the Cabildo. So I put music, pa see that I like them, how bad is it lasts like two seconds. With this video I take a lot of things happened, or at least the most important to see that nice. Oh, and background music.

always makes me want to write a blog but when I start I can not just write anything and I get to do other things and when I write something is when I'm in my room with no internet and nothing to do.

you seen the new iPod touch? From when I've been waiting for the iPod touch with camera! I did not want to change mine because, what if a camera comes out? I have with mine and about three? A little over three years, has endured a lot and have no doubt that I'll buy it. Have a camera! And I will be tweeting complete with photo.

bad that if I want my iPod I have to wait a long time ... I hope not much. It would be a good Christmas gift, do not you think?

do you think? I was invited to the celebration of the bicentennial in Argentina! I sent an email from the embassy. I'm really excited, not so much for the party but for the food! You believe that if we are to make some tacos or something?

Well, then I write more, as I wiped the brain. Be well! Until another blog!