Friday, August 27, 2010

Where To Buy Unitard In Singapore

IVY I! V! Y! アイビー

おはようございます ー!お げんき です か? Over here all right, with the news that I got sick. I knew that would happen but now, I thought that when I first arrived, when it was very cold, but hey, at least I'm better. The only thing that worries me is that I bought a meat and I do not want to eat because I'm not going to know anything and it will spoil in two days (Already today I ate meat, she knew very rich!) . I hope that tomorrow can at least find spice things up. The good news is that yesterday I saved a day's food. By the way, what is in the picture is the Plaza de Mayo.

Sorry, I have to write. Lately things do not leave me alone, I have a doubt, it is very rare, I had passed. I think someone like him, I think there ... is anyone else who wants to cheat me, but sometimes I do not deceive me and that is frustrating. Well, eventually I'll know whether or not for now ... to follow (by mistake) thinking is if it's true. Sorry, I know this has nothing to do, but I got it.

It is a tradition (or at least it was for a week) go to eat ice cream at night to "Coto" Coto is a supermarket, but above is a square and from the area all food is super (as in the photo). The rich know ice cream and when you ask one of key lime pie should say "give me one of lemon pie," the first lady corrected me and made me laugh. Had already told them that here involved many words in English? For example, in a store you see "SALE 50% off." I know, I'll take pictures of these things and I'm going to teach.

will be September already and it is assumed that in September I will travel a lot, but do not tell them until they have all confirmed, I will not say something and then is no longer. " Nothing else wish me luck!

are already excited to see Deathly Hallows? I do! And because if I can see in Mexico (I think). For before it leaves the second part I will read the book. One question, how many of you have the DVD of Half-Blood Prince? I mean, to not feel so bad. Speaking of the DVD I remember the birthday gifts that'll give me. When you have (if I have them) they showed a photo. That reminds me ...

No! Wait, do not want to bore you, it's just that my friend announced on his blog Osaka Momoi Mexico, you're thinking ... MOMO-i DO THE NIGHT FEST 1111 IN MEXICO !!!!!!! As you have to agree, this year was in Las Vegas and I did everything to go but I was refused a visa, now, if it is in Mexico, we go without any problem! And yes, I say we, because we all! Leave comments and say, "Yes Osaka Mexico! ". I better not think about it because I was very excited and while I will always say no, well, just as with anything else ... yes, that (I understand).

they believe? here in Argentina are the manga Battle Royal! I think it would be a good investment, is also 16 ... 51 pesos. At least buy a few, to see how's the manga. Here you have a lot more manga than in Mexico and the quality is better, and what I see, do not let them in half (do not know why I remember Yuu Yuu Hakusho, and the four volumes that were needed to finish the collection.)

Look, I drew my friend Alan, with computer and everything, does that look?

already knew what the iPads which gave the deputies with our money? At first I was angry but then talking to Cynthia (my traveling companion) I took, or good, I resigned. She told me she met a deputy who spent all our money pays for it in as "necessary expenses" and that pays well clothes, travel ... to a wedding. The truth that slouch, but to see why this happens now that we're not complaining, really? And why complain when the Mexican prefer won Miss Universe?. I will do as I do not know anything, right now I'm so far from Mexico I'll do as I do not care. Overall, I do not know if I will return to the country.

Well, I was late and not told them anything interesting. And the next they tell you something from here, as I wanted to tell all. Wish me luck for travel, for that one ... and the Momo-i Night Fest! And for me to go well. Be well! A salute to the move. The title of the blog I took from here . Until another blog!


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