Thursday, February 24, 2011

Left Meralgia Paresthetica Surgery

FLAG 74: DAVID LEO GARCIA NAVARRO JESUS \u200b\u200b+ + stook. Tuesday March 1, 22h

FLAG 74!
Recital of poems by
JESUS \u200b\u200bNAVARRO

Tuesday 1 March, 22h
Zaguán Pub. San Leonardo, 40. Almería
The Flags!


Who is the poet?

DAVID LEO GARCIA (Manchester, 1988) Urbi et orbi (Hyperion, 2006), Tell me what (DVD, in press). Fundación Antonio Gala 07/08, any prize, any anthology, some friends. Still believe in writing because it will be very difficult to believe otherwise. And now.

Who is the artist?
stook, pseudonym of Niko Rodriguez, a multidisciplinary urban artist Almeria internationally. Secondary school teacher, was stook Art Competition Finalist urban Andalusian Youth Institute and won the award for best writing on the Hip-hop festival street Vícar 2010.

Who is the musician?
JESUS \u200b\u200bNAVARRO, bassist Munich alternative rock. This group began in 2008 and since then have taken a number of concerts. In 2010 they recorded their first EP entitled Premiere. Above them are said to have rock influences classic nu-metal sound and "is a whirlwind able to encourage any audience."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Kind Of Shoes Do Ravers Wear 2010

21世紀 〜track 4

Monday was the last day of the event. This day was just an autograph signing. Upon arrival I was given a few laps for the convention and when I saw that he was the stand looked good until the last penny in my pockets and bought the other model Wrist they had, of IVY. After that I trained to wait for the start of the firm but we had a "surprise." What was the surprise? those who had bought merchandise Momoi going to go first! gains were nearly the first. Momoi

came with an embroidered dress very Mexican. Before you start signing autographs, Momoi asked his translator to take a picture with the public in TNT. After that the firm began.

When was happy I went on stage, this time also gave a small gift to Haruko, was surprised when he saw him, I gave thanks for coming to Mexico and in the photo where I got the autograph he wrote "See you soon ", well, I wrote in Japanese but I said in English:) That's why I came down with a smile from the stage.

TNT People said Momoi only give a few autographs again know what happened then? Momoi approached staff and asked that people began to move faster, gave autographs to everyone! That's why I like being a fan of Momoi, it's worth it to be.

At the end of the event went again to say goodbye to Haruko. This time it was the last time we saw her, I said goodbye with "See you soon!"

This day I found out the next day (Tuesday) was to convey Moko Moko (online program Momoi) from Mexico!

モコモコ 60 分 from Mexico! [2011.2.8]

On Tuesday I woke up at 9am to see Moko Moko! I enjoyed when eaten Takis Momoi, when I saw the pink cowboy hat, but ... when he pulled the blouse I gave (which I gave on Friday) and put it on, I died of happiness.

Here is video of that part of Moko Moko. The part where it gets the blouse is like half the video.

And this was all that happened (or what I've experienced) in Momoi Haruko's visit to Mexico.

はい はい, ブログブログ

How To Draw The Dgk Sign

21世紀 〜track 3

This time I arrived a little late for the event (at 1pm), was a little tired and sore from the previous day, every time I sat until an hour before I got up and started to "catch up" to make wotagei comfortable.

few minutes after 4pm, Haruko came on stage with a cowboy hat! Again, do not know where all the power went out but I enjoyed the concert, he sang songs that I was eager to listen lived. Again when アイビー IVY ~ ~ I asked the ivy, but this time at the end of the song back to me.

Momoi In this concert he sang his new single Sanba Yoake no! It is the first time singing that song, as she said "I have not sung even in Japan." Here is the video!

At the end of the concert, the people of TNT had a surprise for us, both as to the public Momoi. To tell if they can see what ヽ ('ー `) ノ

This time also we wait for Momoi, this time she was very tired but that did not prevent the leave of us. He was always very attentive to us when we expected and we said goodbye to her.

And this was all that happened the other day.

Blueprints For One Person Go Kart

‎21世紀 〜track 2

TNT The second day was Saturday, the day that would be the first concert Halko. To be up front came from a little before 12pm, arriving later then I went on stage, I stood up front and there is me, watching almost all the bands that played that day. When you start advertising that almost came Momoi, I no longer feel his legs but when they came on stage I took the pain and I was filled with energy!

3 times, 3 times failed audio on TNT, the first time there was light. The second song was cut off and another began and the third simply cut the audio (that was アイビー IVY ~ ~) this time Momoi had to finish singing acapella

When he sang アイビー IVY ~ ~ I took a plastic ivy and had time to see Momoi approached me and asked me ivy, gave it and the rest of the concert was hanging (as pictured). When he sang love.exe gave her a used orange glowstick for a moment, then threw to the public. It was an excellent concert, I ended up very tired but all the waiting, the screaming, the wota, all worth it, I loved it.

At the end of the concert I went with friends to wait Momoi farewell to her. Leaving climbed into his truck but then opened the window to see us and told us some things, including "see you tomorrow", he bid us farewell and left.

Here I have some videos of that day.

This is the moment that took our lineup and showed it to all, near the end you see how I come back.

And this is when the power went out and began to speak through a megaphone. Like me, to Momoi loves tacos!

And this was all that happened on the second day of Haruko in Mexico!

Clitoris Has White Stuff Inside

21世紀 〜track 1

On Friday 4 was the first day of Momoi in Mexico! This day was just to sign autographs. From an hour before they began to distribute photographs to give you in those Haruko's autograph. Apart from carrying the photo album I had the 'diehardbisdak ga nai, Tada shitsuren no no you da'.

few minutes after 4pm, arrived Momoi! I expected her to one of their costumes but no, wore a dress like that used but I liked it more because I had a baby prints, looked very funny, well she looked very pretty.

few minutes after he arrived he began signing autographs. I had a gift and was very nervous to see her again. When

onto the stage I said I could not come up with camera, or with my disc or with the gift (insert broken heart emoticon here), I said why not? I wanted to give a gift and what was wrong with giving the album? They had to talk to do not know who and then a few seconds I said yes, that could bring the gift and the disc.

Being against Momoi took away the nerves and gave him his gift, I realized he was surprised and then pulled the blouse I gave her. As I was tied and could not undo the knot, the translator said it best left for later and signed me so I could continue with the firm, I think it was necessary but I would have liked to see her face to put to him. When I ran I did not say my name but my username on Twitter (sutomazaxi), when I told him she nodded, smiled and wrote my name my album! I went very happy there.

After that I went to stand where they were selling merchandise Momoi, I bought a wristband and a "penlight" pink. Momoi

While signing autographs, Kero and I danced in front of the stage. Momoi repeatedly turned to face us and sent us greetings. Suddenly began to sound love.exe and wotas group (and both of us) started making wotagei for Haruko!

That was all that happened the first day.

Starting To Get Strep

FLAG 73: RUBEN MARTIN + DAVID RAUL NAVARRO. Tuesday February 22, 22h

FLAG 73!

Recital of poems by
Ruben Martin

* Selecting Images
prepared by the poet


Tuesday February 22, 22h
Pub Zaguán . San Leonardo, 40. Almería
Who is the poet?
Ruben Martin (Granada, 1980) Poet and translator, in 2006 won the Andalusian Youth Poetry Prize for his book x tremor (Renaissance, 2007). His poems and articles have appeared in numerous publications and has been included in several anthologies as Word on word (La Tertulia, 2003) or come Poetry (Renaissance, 2004). He has also published the prologue and translation of the book Poems death of Emily Dickinson (Bartleby, 2010).

Who is the musician?
DAVID NAVARRO RAUL (Baza, Granada, 1981) is a musician Music Education degree in Teaching by the UAL. Guitarist in various bands, their concerns have led him to try other instruments like the bass or drums, working, among others, with the band Almeria recidivists. Been playing live since I was 14 years and currently participates in two projects of different styles, the group Bluesstres blues and a funk band.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Why Does Santa Have A Beard?

FLAG 72: GRACIELA ZARATE + Cerdak + MANOLO GÓMEZ BUR. Tuesday February 8, 2011. Pennant

FLAG 72!
Recital of poems by GRACIELA ZARATE

images Cerdak

Tuesday February 8, 22h .
Zaguán Pub. San Leonardo, 40. Almería

Who is the poet?
GRACIELA ZARATE (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1962), studied Set Design at the University of El Salvador and in 1985 he moved to Spain to work in different national theater companies. He has published poems in literary magazines in different countries and is currently finishing a play in verse with the support of the Instituto Cervantes and the Embassy of the Netherlands Argentina. His book of poems Volcano remains unpublished.

Who is the artist?
born Cerdak 26 years ago in Almeria. Trained as a photographer in Seville and Santiago de Compostela, has worked on different aspects of photography, from the erotic to the symbolic. Among his works are album covers and books, music and poetry magazines, theater sets, making off of movies, etc. has exhibited his work in Granada, Santiago de Compostela, Seville and Almeria. From 11 February to 21 March will see an anthology of the same in the room Vampires of Almeria.

in the news Digital Media:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Gay Pick Up Spots East Brunswick Nj

Tomorrow is the day...

I'm in Mexico City. Tomorrow will be the first day Momoi'll see in this visit to Mexico ... I am ... very excited! ヽ ('ー `) ノ her again I have some gifts, this time I will not be much time with her, hopefully I will see at least five minutes but ... Never mind!

climbed some Argentina photos to Flickr, if the want to see.

Then tell them more about what happened to me, like I can not stop thinking about tomorrow.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day though ... I can assure you it will be! も いも ~ い!