Friday, August 27, 2010

Where To Buy Unitard In Singapore

IVY I! V! Y! アイビー

おはようございます ー!お げんき です か? Over here all right, with the news that I got sick. I knew that would happen but now, I thought that when I first arrived, when it was very cold, but hey, at least I'm better. The only thing that worries me is that I bought a meat and I do not want to eat because I'm not going to know anything and it will spoil in two days (Already today I ate meat, she knew very rich!) . I hope that tomorrow can at least find spice things up. The good news is that yesterday I saved a day's food. By the way, what is in the picture is the Plaza de Mayo.

Sorry, I have to write. Lately things do not leave me alone, I have a doubt, it is very rare, I had passed. I think someone like him, I think there ... is anyone else who wants to cheat me, but sometimes I do not deceive me and that is frustrating. Well, eventually I'll know whether or not for now ... to follow (by mistake) thinking is if it's true. Sorry, I know this has nothing to do, but I got it.

It is a tradition (or at least it was for a week) go to eat ice cream at night to "Coto" Coto is a supermarket, but above is a square and from the area all food is super (as in the photo). The rich know ice cream and when you ask one of key lime pie should say "give me one of lemon pie," the first lady corrected me and made me laugh. Had already told them that here involved many words in English? For example, in a store you see "SALE 50% off." I know, I'll take pictures of these things and I'm going to teach.

will be September already and it is assumed that in September I will travel a lot, but do not tell them until they have all confirmed, I will not say something and then is no longer. " Nothing else wish me luck!

are already excited to see Deathly Hallows? I do! And because if I can see in Mexico (I think). For before it leaves the second part I will read the book. One question, how many of you have the DVD of Half-Blood Prince? I mean, to not feel so bad. Speaking of the DVD I remember the birthday gifts that'll give me. When you have (if I have them) they showed a photo. That reminds me ...

No! Wait, do not want to bore you, it's just that my friend announced on his blog Osaka Momoi Mexico, you're thinking ... MOMO-i DO THE NIGHT FEST 1111 IN MEXICO !!!!!!! As you have to agree, this year was in Las Vegas and I did everything to go but I was refused a visa, now, if it is in Mexico, we go without any problem! And yes, I say we, because we all! Leave comments and say, "Yes Osaka Mexico! ". I better not think about it because I was very excited and while I will always say no, well, just as with anything else ... yes, that (I understand).

they believe? here in Argentina are the manga Battle Royal! I think it would be a good investment, is also 16 ... 51 pesos. At least buy a few, to see how's the manga. Here you have a lot more manga than in Mexico and the quality is better, and what I see, do not let them in half (do not know why I remember Yuu Yuu Hakusho, and the four volumes that were needed to finish the collection.)

Look, I drew my friend Alan, with computer and everything, does that look?

already knew what the iPads which gave the deputies with our money? At first I was angry but then talking to Cynthia (my traveling companion) I took, or good, I resigned. She told me she met a deputy who spent all our money pays for it in as "necessary expenses" and that pays well clothes, travel ... to a wedding. The truth that slouch, but to see why this happens now that we're not complaining, really? And why complain when the Mexican prefer won Miss Universe?. I will do as I do not know anything, right now I'm so far from Mexico I'll do as I do not care. Overall, I do not know if I will return to the country.

Well, I was late and not told them anything interesting. And the next they tell you something from here, as I wanted to tell all. Wish me luck for travel, for that one ... and the Momo-i Night Fest! And for me to go well. Be well! A salute to the move. The title of the blog I took from here . Until another blog!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Scorpio Man Stops Talking To You

Tango negro, tango negro...

I realized that I'm not counting things in order and have passed. No I told them that one day we went in search of the Sheraton hotel and went through many buildings, among those I was building Microsoft, HP, IBM, and ... the Sheraton! Although this was not because there are two Sheraton hotels. Total went for a walk after the Florida Street, a street full of tourists and shops, not for nothing but the street and I know it by heart and for dinner we went to where we very often ... McDonald's. Yesterday

home we quesadillas with guacamole, quesadillas were not very good but the huacamole yes, miss the food of Mexico and is not that the food here is bad, what happens is that I have had lunch at a good place. Oh! Yes! The other day I ate a Milanese "Neapolitan" (with melted cheese and jamo) and French fries, was very rich (and quite expensive). We were told that is the staple food here, which is what people eat every day.

This building is the Cabildo. Is very close to the Casa Rosada. Actually I did not know what it was or that it was important until they told me it was called Cabildo (and I noticed because everyone talks about it). And in the council I have a meeting on Friday. The council is a good guy building, like when you see does not impress (unlike the Congress I think, is the father) ... Speaking of which do not tell them things in order, the council was when I went to the Casa Rosada.

few days ago I started making a list of people I am going to take something and I realized that if I'm going to spend something, it does not matter, it is people who want to take something you have shared er ... ? The joy was to come. I know I'm going to go. Not to say that I am an elbow and a cheapskate.

This you see here is the entrance to Chinatown. Is much larger than Mexico's but it's no big thing, really I expected more (and is that I have really wanted to go to Japantown is in Brazil, that is huge). That day we went for a few seasonings and ended up buying some candy, soda (Which has bits of jelly floating) instant soup (which smells like mole).

I have a bad habit that whenever I see the price of something, I instantly converted to Mexican pesos and that is wrong! I can not compare prices, things here and there will not cost the same. Gradually I've been removing the custom, but now compare prices between the same things here because otherwise it would not stop suffering for my conversions. That's a tip I give travelers here at Adventures!.

After my giant parentheses follow.

The day I went to Chinatown, I was well happy life, when I see a manga store and see this!

TOKKA! * Daaay Shiny, shiny daaaay. Get up, get up! Get up, get up! * And when I saw the store was jammed wide. Pity it was closed and everything was in Chinese. The good news is that a boy who lives in the next room, I gave the manga Slayers: Knight of the Aqualord. I thought Mexico had more manga here but not here in all positions "diary" are manga, and lots.

Speaking of things that have nothing to do with Argentina, the other day I walked into a record store (because for some reason I'm excited to go to record stores) and saw that they were well cheap, no discs of 14 pesos ... ok, just for you, in Mexican pesos would be about 45 pesos. Had soundtracks, good old records. While I despair because the discs that I want I will not ever find in any store.

Yesterday I had my close encounter of the second type with the Tango. I saw a street show, I took a photo pose Tango and I bought a dvd where they exit the same dancers. Although there were many people the gang which was part of the show was as we were part of, so I liked the most. My DVD is autographed and even has a kiss of the dancer (they dance on Florida Street.)

Yesterday was the first day the train journey. We went to a province called Castelar, the bad is that we were half an hour or a little more but it was all (admittedly not much to see.)

do you think? I'm going to change the hostel. I love it but almost everything is forbidden, then we are looking for more freedom, yesterday we went to see one, at the same price and with freedom ... or so we believe.

With this and tell them much of what has happened, I do not feel so indebted. After this and begin to count them all in order.

Be well, I send a greeting from here. Good luck to all. Until another blog!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

How To Tie A No Sew Fleece Scarf

Argentina Appudeto

Hello! How are you? Has much to not write and that is the internet where I live is awful. Had much time I'm here and I have not written much of anything. The good thing is that no internet right now and I'm in the room so I write a summary of what I've done.

already visited the Casa Rosada, until I entered the office of President. At night the Mexican light pink or something, and also with light magenta (make a good combination) and it looks really cool. That day I happened to see a presentation of the guards (?) Cadets (?) Of the House and his band of war and all good "cornered."

I've walked by many sides, Palermo, Constitution (which by all is very dangerous), I passed the obelisk many times. I'm getting used to being around here, I have not so afraid of the streets or the people. Luckily, I know more people (in Colombia, a province of Argentina, Ecuador, Chile).

Lately I have not got my camera, I have many pictures but I have taken many photos. Today and yesterday were the days of many pictures, today I went to Puerto Madero, the place (so far and according to me) more "cool" of Buenos Aires. We had to be since he was "sunlight" (which the sun there was nothing, it was all clear, "sparking" and it was cold goat ...) when it was getting dark and as everything began to brighten, and when it was night and everything was illuminated. After the walk we went to eat at a fast food place called Mustard, in that place also ate today and bought a Happy Meal because they have some things right "bacana" of the Fairly OddParents, like this.

Cosmo Mine are but I have them nearby, but soon I will go for Wanda.

Before we knew it was private, "neighbors" for this hostel we came up with food from our country and give all. The first time was yesterday and a guy who is chef made Indian food, rich and good, it was worth the expense and the scolding they gave us.

We were promised that within 15 days there will not be so cold, but what matters to me is that the internet works! I was also told that the next fortnight will be a ... sorry, I do not remember, but it has to do with whales in Ushuaia, so maybe my trip to Bariloche and the Antarctic! Well, to see how far I get.

Everything happens for a reason, why had not gone to the embassy. Today when I arrived and met two Argentinean girls ranging exchange Mexico. A silly old Argentina who works at the embassy do not want to give the visa and had already begun classes, had traveled a long time to get to Buenos Aires, were nervous but we were talking with them, knew nothing about when they would arrive and everything, and I got contacts, total entering the interview and came away with a face that even I was sad, they said they were told that it was probable that they are not give and said (so much trouble to go to Mexico? What nonsense) and the joke is that until we were going to try to talk to the consul (the situation was father) and then called them and ... yeah! They left with a smile and to stay Tuxtla to see us in December.

We had an exchange of cultures good father, and some words that I used in Colombia, such as gonorrhea. It is a very strong rude, they tell you is the worst gonorrhea. And also went to school and I'm almost done my first pair of shoes ... well, almost, when I teach have a picture (if the internet lets me).

I think the best part is that I had high expectations for this trip and all surprise me. I'm enjoying it very much.

had not written because he wanted to upload photos, you can not, I have no internet right now so I wrote, expected to offset some of what I have not written and now even without internet and picture does not rise I will write something.

What you are doing well, I send a greeting from Argentina! Until another blog!