Sunday, June 10, 2007

Financial Accounting Libby Libby Short Solution

chases darkness The Blues Brothers

Among the best chase scenes in movie history, there are two that will become true classics: those of the Blues Brothers . Aboard the most ruinous of police cars, a Dodge Monaco 1974 model - the brothers are going to get away absolutely all, thanks to the skill-or stupidity, depending on how you look, the wheel of Elwood Blues (Dan Aykroyd).

The first persecution began when Elwood is caught driving with expired license. End up with more than a dozen police cars chasing the brothers in a shopping.

In the second of the persecutions (the most famous and one of the final scenes), the Blues Brothers escape through Chigago, pursued first by the police and then by the Nazis. I do not think there is film production where more smashed cars in it.

Finally, a bonus track with the persecution of shopping recreated in an episode of Family Guy.


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